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Even MLK's Family Thinks the Boston Sculpture Looks Gross

Even MLK's Family Thinks the Boston Sculpture Looks Gross

Author: Sheldon
Publish Date: January 17, 2023 05:22 PM
Category: News
Reading Time: 3 Mins

On Friday January 17th, a sculpture was unveiled in Boston honoring civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, in advance of MLK day on Monday January 20th.  Which in my opinion is a great, well deserved honor, if it did not look like a bunch of sex acts, depending on what angle you look at it, all are gross.

Even Martin Luther King, Jr.'s family member Seneca Scott stated and I quote, 

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen it. The new Boston sculpture “honoring” Dr. Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, looks more like a pair of hands hugging a beefy penis than a special moment shared by the iconic couple.

Read their article here.

I would have to agree, from aerial footage, it looks awful, from 360 degrees around it, looks awful, and I am sure if we could see from under it, the sculpture would look awful!

The sculpture was created by the organization Embrace Boston, and has been the center of MANY jokes all across the internet.

As Seneca Scott says, 

So now Boston has a big bronze penis statue that’s supposed to represent black love at its purest and most devotional. This is no accident. The woke algorithm is racist and classist. Therefore, its programming will always produce things that harm black and poor people. This sculpture is an especially egregious example of the woke machine’s callousness and vanity. Hopefully, it will show more black people that these progressives just aren’t in this for our benefit.

Just see for yourself:


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