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Google Pushes YouTube's Censorship Harder Than Ever
Google Pushes YouTube's Censorship Harder Than Ever

Google Pushes YouTube's Censorship Harder Than Ever

Author: Sheldon
Publish Date: August 17, 2023 09:49 AM
Category: News
Reading Time: 2 Mins

I noticed yesterday both on the iPhone YouTube ISO App and YouTube directly viewed through a browser on my PC that Video Suggestions no longer show up, unless you turn on Watch History.  I find a few issues with this, first off it's none of your business my viewing history, which with the way things are heading, my conservative viewing will lower my "social credit score", yes I believe it's coming to America if 2024 does not go the right way.

I had also noticed that when searching for content that contains the truth about things such as COVID / Elections, Negative facts about Biden, positive facts about Trump, etc. all cannot be found without knowing EXACT video page URLS.  Now that I am no longer being suggested videos, finding new conservative videos / YouTubers is nearly impossible.

Now you may be thinking, why don't you just turn on "Watch History"?  Well as stated above, it will be used against me since I do not support the left wing agenda, but further from that, I have tried.  I turned on watch history and it seems they are catering to try to counter my beliefs.

This is even more reason to jump over to Rumble, a place where there is no Liberal Push, everyone has an EQUAL place to share information.

God Bless.

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