It is becoming abundantly obvious that they are trying to fully cripple America. From exporting American infrastructure over seas so we are not self reliant, to fuel prices soaring well before the Ukraine conflict, the one we should not even be involved in. We have hit major inflation due to poor government spending, holding up our imports / exports, and now even claims of bird flue to raise our egg / poultry prices. They are hitting us from all angles, we have to stand up and say enough is enough! This green energy plan is nothing but a ploy to destroy US as we know it. All these impossible goals set for 2030 for electric vehicles and green energy is crippling our nation while China, Russia, and other power houses just become more powerful.
We are accepting more illegal aliens than even possible to track, supplying them with homes, food, money, and cell phones; all while legal, true USA citizens have to suffer. It is quite obvious that America last is the Biden admins theme.
There was no good reason to cancel the XL pipeline (Biden’s first executive action as president), as all the reasoning was debunked. There is no reason to be at war with Russia, as Ukraine has no part of American interest, as they say, we know the elites are hiding something within their borders.
It was MANY times cheaper for Trumps beautiful border wall to be built and armed than we have already spent on housing / caring for all the illegals that we even know of, in just ONE YEAR.
Do you not find it strange that BLMs / Antifa’s destruction stopped as soon as soon as Biden took office, but raged all through Trumps presidency? They were used to push a agenda. They split this nation in two, cause billions of damage. Raised insurance costs for all, even further raising prices of goods and services. All while we were forced into lockdowns. The democrats would not even have trial for the people caught in the act of destroying, killing, stealing, in the name of BLM. Their excuse to start was the death of a waste of life thief, druggy, who punches pregnant woman in the stomach and robs them at gunpoint George Floyd. It makes me sick whenever I see a painting of him with a halo.
Now lets really think about this, does any of the governments actions make sense to you? Does it feel like they are looking out for us Americans, the ones that “vote” these people into office? We fund them with our tax money! It is supposed to be “We The People”!
Before all this agenda even became to be pushed with actions, there were talks from the elites. Little hints here, little hints there. Take Pedo Bill Gates for example. This man has been hinting on a virus that destroys the world as we know it before COVID-19 was even a thought. The same man and his friends have been telling us we should eat genetically modified meat / bugs and be happy. All this while speaking of population control and releasing Aids / vaccines that chemically castrate in Africa.
The World Economic forum and Elites have spoke of a great reset for years, those who said it was a agenda were called crazy, now the term is being used by leaders of all nations, the Great Reset, “you will own nothing and be happy”.
There is no coincidences, this was all planned out, Trump was a hiccup in their plan. That is why it is all so obvious to us. They no longer were able to lie and had to speed up their process to keep schedule. Trump showed us how Great America Could be in less than 4 years. The moment Biden stole the election, we went right back to Obama / Bush / Clinton Era garbage.
It is hard to believe that we will ever have a fair election again. The whole world is now corrupt, the beast has been awaken. The only true positive thing I can see happen now is for Jesus Christ to return and put a end to the evil of this world.
Don’t expect things to get better, expect things to worsen for us that can see through the lies of the devil. Once you accept the mark your soul is taken. The Bible tells us this place is not our true home, as Christians we are not of the world, we will be persecuted more and more, as we are fighting principalities.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
There is nothing they can take from you in this world that is better than what God has for you in heaven.
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:23 KJV
Stay strong, do not be deceived by the lies of this world. Prepare yourself and your families for what is to come.